
Would Male Voters Detract From RUS?

Some Members Want to Expand Female Base First

In fact, RUS Secretary Sharon L. Wing '97 saysshe thinks the issue of male membership hasdistracted RUS from its "more important" missionto recruit more active female members.

"I personally think that a top priority shouldbe getting more women in RUS," says Wing. "It'sunfortunate to be taken off track."

Guiney and Lewis say they hope the group'srecent decision to abstain from politicalpositions will make more women feel comfortable atRUS events. Breaking from its activist past, whichincludes heated protests against Harvard'sall-male final clubs, RUS has become primarily aforum for women's issues and a grant-giving body,says Lewis.

Guiney says the group had been moving in thedirection of political neutrality for about ayear, but that she and Lewis made the trendofficial when they were elected earlier this year.

RUS is also reaching out to women this springby increasing its publicity efforts and broadeningthe scope of its grants, says Lewis.


She says future plans include inviting speakersto campus, moving RUS meetings to the Yard andinstituting a house representative system similarto the Undergraduate Council'sCrimsonJennifer J. BalkRUS members listen to grant applications atlast week's meeting
