
Mediators Begin Training Process

Students enjoyed the activities and simulationsperformed this weekend and are enthusiastic aboutthe next session scheduled for April.

"I learned more from [this weekend] than manymore of my courses at Harvard," So said. "I'mlooking forward to the next session."

"We got inundated with a whole bunch of [ideas]this weekend," James N. Miller '95-'96 said. "Itwill sink in slowly."

First-year proctor Douglas Stone, associatedirector of the Harvard Negotiations Project, saysthe trainers hope to develop an "esprit de corps"in the April training session to they will be ableto deal with actual conflicts in the Harvardcommunity.

"My expectations are that people will start tosee the complexity [of certain situations and] tobegin to think how we would assist other at[seeing] this," Stone said.


Epps said that after the second training, themediators will be given assignments to aiddiscussion between various groups on campus. Themediators will be coached by the professionalsduring this time. Epps said
