
Harvard May Lose Patrick

Director of Office of Human Resources Would Go to D.C.

"In my mind, we're looking for a strong managerwith a sense of strategy, knowledge of an academicenvironment and a decentralized background,"Zeckhauser said.

Patrick said she will assist Zeckhauser in whatis bound to be a difficult transition for theoffice.

"I think change and transition is alwayshard," Patrick said. "With the knowledge thatthere has been a lot of change in the history ofthis department, Sally Zeckhauser and I areworking together to make a smooth transition."

Both Patrick and Zeckhauser said a smoothtransition is essential to the success of projectssuch as the controversial Benefits Review TaskForce, of which Patrick is a member.

"There are lots of projects ongoing," Patricksaid. "We hope to make sure that they don't go offtrack."


Patrick said she has no specific plans for ajob transition in D.C. Her experience as a privateattorney and as University attorney in the generalcounsel's office at Harvard will help her land anew job.

"I have not taken any steps to look foralternative employment in Washington," Patricksaid, "but I have lots of possibilities with mybackground as a lawyer.
