

Proud To Be Harvard ROTC

ROTC provides a valuable opportunity to Harvard students.

ROTC midshipmen and cadets are students from a variety of backgrounds who have decided for themselves that they wanted to combine the academic rigors of a Harvard education with the challenges of participating in officer training. Students are given the opportunity for great personal growth by being when given leadership training and responsibility, which not only contributes to their eventual success as future officers, but to their success as students as well. The benefits of ROTC far outweigh the dollar value of a scholarship or looking sharp in uniform for drill.

One of the 10 leadership principles which all midshipmen learn in "Know yourself and seek self-improvement." This principle carries over to all of the members of the different branches in ROTC, in that this group of students is committed not only to being the best officer possible, but combining their experiences at Harvard and in ROTC to become better people.

I have tried to incorporate this into my own life, especially after returning from my semester off, and have found that my participation in ROTC has enhanced my undergraduate experience in a way that, in my opinion cannot be duplicated. I know that I don't only speak of myself when I say that every time I put on my uniform, I feel a sense of pride in being part of this program.

And all of us, despite our varied educational experiences and branches of service, are pleased with and thankful for having had the opportunity to participate in the officer accession program of our choice.

We're gov-jocks and pre-meds. We're musicians and athletes. We live in the Quad and at the river and hail from both coasts and points in between. Some have parents in the armed forces, and some are the first to join.


We put our pants on one leg at a time. We're ROTC. And, best of all, we're here.

Koma B. Gandy '95 is a midshipman in Naval ROTC. She is a government concentrator living in Mather House.
