
Jesting, Jesting, One, Two, Three

FM Investigates Recent Surge in Jester Hat Popularity

Friend: Sure.

PLAN THREE: To Find a Kindred Spirit Jester Hat Wearer.

Wearing the hat, FM cautiously approaches one Jester hat wearer in Harvard Square and attempts to make the sign of affinity.

FM: Greetings fellow Jester hat wearer.

Fellow Jester hat wearer: Hey. (Nods suspiciously, probably mistak- ing FM for another one of those freaks in theSquare.)


FM (proudly): I have my reasons, but I'm moreinterested in yours. Why are you wearing that hat?

FJHM: Well to tell you the truth, I have a goodfriend at the University of New Hampshire who madeit for me. He gets bags and bags of fleece andmakes all kinds of crazy hats. Last time, he mademe a cat-in-the-hat hat. But this is the one Iwear all the time.

FM: How come?

FJHW: Because it allows me to express myself ina silly way. I hike a lot and it's great to haveit on as a sort of fun reminder. I see theseJester hats a lot on the ski slope, where I thinkI think it also important for people to expresstheir creativity outdoors.

FM: How I can become part of the movement?

FJHW: What movement?

FM: The movement.

Awkward silence.

FJHW: Look, if you think this is some sort ofpolitical statement or movement thing, you're justwrong. It's a way to be creative, silly a littlerambounctious and to get attention.

No orchestrated movement to join? No colossaljester crusade afoot? It just can't be true.Walking down JFK St., FM confronts another Jesterhat wearer, one wearing a hat that hangs down pasthis mid-section:
