
Two Confessions

On the John

Some say that it is fake, that it is Hollywood all the way.

I just don't understand these people. They're the same ones that think Elvis Presley and JFK are catching up on some R&R on an obscure ice glacier in the arctic.

How can they attack something so sacred? The WWF is a cultural icon.

O.K., I'll admit that the WWF has hit a lull these days, but at its peak nothing compared. Remember the good old days. Forget about baseball's golden years with Dimaggio and Williams, the WWF with the Hulk, Captain Lou and Black Jack Mulligan was supreme.

Are you going to tell me that Hulk Hogan isn't the greatest athlete since Jim Thorpe? He has since quit, but what a legacy he leaves behind. He was strong, quick and he had charisma, sort of like a JFK on steriods in a speedo. That's how I'll remember the Great one.


Then there was Captain Lou. Not only could the man coach (undoubtedly the Red Aurebach of wrestling), but he was a fashion trendsetter. Sure the fad has passed, but I remember countless individuals with rubber bands on their beards. I think I'll name my first-born after the man.

That is, if I don't name him after Black Jack. This man could wrestle. He was the master of the claw. Who didn't practice the claw on their younger brother when mom or dad wasn't looking?

In a freaky way, Black Jack can be compared to Kareem Abdul Jabaar. Jabaar had the sky hook and Black Jack and claw. Both mastered one skill and became the greatest in their sport.

O.K., there you have it--two bold confessions. To those who have read this far I thank you for the time and I hope that you share some of the passion that I feel.

And to those who don't share the passion please don't laugh or look at me funny. Thanks.
