
Council Okays 'Giants' Concert

Alternative Band Approved to Play At Harvard; Gregoire Elected Secretary

Election for Secretary

In the election for council secretary, Gregoiredefeated Joseph S. Evangelista '96 to join Gabay,Vice President Joshua D. Liston '95 and TreasurerJamila A. Braswell '95 on the council's springexecutive board.

Gregoire, the former co-chair of the academicscommittee, directed last week's ConcentrationFair.

In a speech to the council before the election,Gregoire said he wanted to reduce waste inpostering, improve the council's image byenhancing poster design for major events andcreate packets of information available to councilmembers in order to "create institutional memory."

Gregoire also said he wanted to implementchanges in The Courier, the council's officialnewsletter. The Courier should come out regularlyevery three weeks, but should be "briefer andterser," Gregoire said.


In other business, the council voted 62-2 toappropriate $4,500 to defray the $14,958 cost forthe annual first-year formal. The formal, to beheld on February 26 in the Boston Park PlazaHotel, Will cost first-years $14 per ticket.

There was some debate about the $10,000 costfor hotel rental and food as well as the $1,820listed for trolley transportation.

But Rudd W. Coffey '97, one of the resolution'sthree co-sponsors, defended all costs as"bare-bone."

Transportation is necessary if the dance is toend at 1 a.m., since the T shuts down at 12:30a.m., said Coffey.

The council will also begin postering for aconcert by Machinery Hall, a Boston rock band thatwill perform on Saturday at 9:30 p.m. in QuincyHouse Dining Hall. The council had appropriated$1,500 for the event at last Sunday's meeting. Theconcert will be free for Harvard students.

Finally, the council voted 54-4 to send a giftand thank-you note to Dean of Students Archie C.Epps III. Epps had paid the entire $400 cost forthe intersession Post-Exam Jam himself, but hadallowed the council co-sponsorship
