
'Ec 10' Caps Top Ten List

Class Again Draws Most Students

"It's a gut," said David H. Goldbrenner '96."But it's interesting. I think I'll get somethingout of it."

Taa R. Grays '94, another student in thecourse, said, "If you're writing a thesis, itprovides a good balance."

Of course some students choose their courseswith a higher purpose in mind--graduate school.

Gwendolyn A. Freyd, a teaching fellow inBiological Sciences 1, "Introductory Genetics,Molecular and Developmental Biology," said shefelt the increase in enrollment in her course isdue to a nationwide trend of growing medicalschool applicants.

But not all science courses are stops on theway to medical school.


Assistant Professor of Anthropology Marc D.Hauser acknowledged another reason for thepopularity of Science B-29, "Human BehavioralBiology," which was fourth with 378 studentsenrolled.

"Sex is a driving force," he said
