
Women Speak on Life in Arts

Five Prominent Local Figures Say Sexes Work Differently

DeAnna Brattle, the founder of a Boston-based theater company called The Art of Black Dance and Music, said she feels the weight of gender inequality in securing money.

"I feel that women have less of a chance to secure the same deals," Brattle said. She cited in particular male-dominated forums of business such as golf courses and the all-male Boston Squash Club.

On the whole, the workshop was a success, according to Stein.

"Over 30 people came that weren't preregistered," she said.

Audience members said they were impressed by the panelists' presentations. Others noted that the audience was overwhelmingly female.


Audience member Kim T. Knight expressed some disappointment with the gender breakdown of the audience.

"It was about 90 percent female, but it was good that there were some males there," she said. "I don't think we need to separate so much."
