
Fire Alarm Interrupts Exams

Students, Professors Evacuated From Science Center Rooms

But another chem student disagreed.

"I don't feel the alarm was that big a deal," said the student, speaking on condition that her name not be used. "It was a pretty easy exam and the last five minutes in which the alarm occurred shouldn't really make that much of a difference."

Annis said he had yet to decide what to do about the exam.

"I am not sure what, if anything, we are going to do," Annis said. "Right now we are grading all the tests so we will have a numerical score."

Efforts to reach Robert M. Williams, the visiting professor who teaches Chemistry 17, were unsuccessful.


The fire department responded within minutes to the alarm. They arrived with one ladder and one engine truck, according to Lt. Robert S. McFadies.

"False alarms are not usually a problem with the University," McFadies said.
