
Facing Death, Embracing Life

Leverett Sophomore With Inoperable Cancer Stays at School

"I guess I hope when people at Harvard look at me they'll kind of wake up from their routines and realize how short their time is and will explore how to really live," he says. "All you guys will be coming along after me very shortly."

Foster says he has been "exploring how to really live" since Thanksgiving by putting friends and faith before papers and problem sets.

"These last few weeks have certainly been among the most fun of my life," he says. "Imagine how much fun college could be if studying wasn't your main objective, if you just did the work you enjoyed, and spent the rest of the time with people you love."

His friends, too, have been trying to put relationships first.

"A lot of us are trying to spend a lot of time with him," Dinonno says. "You can't really say you're too busy."


While he says he is enjoying life, Foster says he is also frustrated by his status as a "mortal in the land of the immortals at Harvard."

"It's really hard if someone knows what is happening to me and it doesn't affect them at all--when the most important thing in their life is still beating the mean on the next test," he says
