
Faculty Criticizes ROTC Funding Compromise

15 Professors Debate Merits at Meeting

"You have no respect for Harvard," Mansfield said. "You don't consider it as anything bigger or grander than yourself, something to which you might be devoted."

Jeremy R. Knowles, dean of the faculty, said the ROTC discussion was "helpful and productive."

And the Committee to End Discrimination by Harvard applauded "the Faculty's continued commitment to non-discrimination," in a press release

Non-ROTC Issues

The Faculty also unanimously approved the creation of a Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) standing committee on benefits.


The committee will investigate changes to pensions, retiree health benefits, health benefits for current faculty and professional and administrative staff. It will also report to the Faculty "at the earliest opportunity" on those issues and propose any appropriate changes.

Knowles also apologized for the delay in sending out his annual FAS budget letter. He noted that in the past few weeks, other concerns have taken center stage
