
Boston, Harvard May Host Olympics

News Feature

Rowe says it is "premature" to ask questions about the logistics of hosting the Olympics and the effects such an event would have on Harvard.

"From a city standpoint, Boston is ahead with promoting concepts," he says. "However, specific details of the plan are for the future."

The vice president declined to say how Harvard's dorms would have to be upgraded to house Olympians, or how the University would offer summer school housing during the competitions.

"There is no distinct planning initiative at Harvard," Rowe says. "What role Harvard would play needs to be debated by the Harvard community at the appropriate time."

For the 1996 summer games in Atlanta, Georgia Tech is playing a role much like Harvard would for 2008. The Atlanta school is housing the Olympic village and hosting events including boxing and all the aquatic competitions.


The school is building new dorms, funded by state bonds, with suites including four single bedrooms, full kitchens and two bathrooms. New basketball courts and an aquatic center are also under construction.

"The Olympics will bring tremendous international exposure to those people who are not familiar with Georgia Tech," says Georgia Tech Director of Special Programs Tammy M. Tuley. "People don't realize what a large, booming city Atlanta is."

Like Harvard would, Georgia Tech had to reschedule its summer school, which will be held on a neighboring campus with concentrated sessions before and after the two weeks of the events, Tuley says.

And Georgia Tech students are deeply involved in the initiative. In classes, the students are helping to plan traffic direction for the Games, computer systems to coordinate events, and community outreach efforts.

"This is a great way to build relationships within the school," Tuley says. "It encompasses all aspects of the school: faculty, staff, students and alumni."

Boston's Chances

Competition to host the 2008 Olympics will be fierce.

At least six other cities are vying for the Games. Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Buenos Aires, Beijing and a cooperation between Detroit and Windsor, a city in Canada, are all in the running.

While planners say Boston is an ideal site, some say the city couldn't handle the influx of people.

"People don't realize how small the city of Boston is," says Antonio L. Rodriguez, a visitor representative for Boston tourism information. "For the past couple weeks they've been extremely tight, and that's due only to fall foliage."
