
Passage of Question 9 May Benefit University

Why it matters

If passed, students will be able to stock up on staples Sunday mornings at the Star Market in Porter Square and at the Purity Supreme grocery store in Central Square.

Currently, Sunday morning shopping can only be done at smaller convenience stores such as Li'l Peach, Christy's and Store 24.

Brian H. Smith, director of marketing for Star Markets, says reforming the Blue Laws will help consumers in the long run.

"I don't think it would lead to a lot more business, Smith says. "But it would mean more customer convenience."

But Simon Haidar, manager at the Li'l Peach convenience store on Mass. Ave., says reforming the Blue Laws would hurt his business.


"We would lose our morning business, Sunday papers, and we would be competing with supermarkets other than convenience stores," Haidar says. "I don't know if it would drive us out of business, but it would make it much more difficult for convenience stores to keep in business."

Also at stake in this year's election is whether Massachusetts will adopt a graduated income tax.

Questions 6 and 7, if passed, will establish a graduated income tax and set specific tax rates for different income brackets.

Proponents of a graduated income tax have pointed out that families earning less than $101,700 and individuals earning less than $62,000 per year will receive a tax cut under the proposal.

Approval of Questions 6 and 7 would mean that many University staff will receive tax cuts, while many faculty members could see their tax bills rise.

Last week, the executive board of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers sent a letter to all members urging them support questions 6 and 7.

According to the letter, passage of a graduated income tax "could have a positive financial impact on nearly every member of our union...Voting yes on questions 6 and 7 would be like voting yourself a raise."

But the Faculty of Arts and Sciences has not made a similar endorsement, either for or against the graduated income tax, says Professor of Sociology Theda Skocpol.

"The Faculty doesn't endorse political positions," she says. "The Faculty is very wary of getting involved in local or national partisan or political issues because faculty members disagree.

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