
Epps Will Organize Financial Seminars

Will Help Student Groups Manage Money

"I'm sure people would be delighted to get input on financial matters," said Band Manager Anne Q. Eakin '95. "People don't know all the rules that are involved with financial management."

Other student leaders expressed less enthusiasm.

"I guess some organizations could use some help with their bookkeeping and taxes, but some of the more responsible organizations would feel this is superfluous, and I would include us in that group," said Brian E. Malone '96, who is a council member of the Peninsula.

"We're handling our finances just fine without Dean Epps's help," he said.

"I think the biggest problem is that people get lazy about keeping records, and I'm not sure if a class can change that," said Stephen W. Huang '95, who is general manager and music director for the Bach Society Orchestra.


Epps said he wanted the assistance provided by the College to remain positive.

"We fully appreciate the important contributions that students make to College life through their organizations," Epps said. "We want to find creative, constructive and supportive ways to help students run their organizations.
