
U.C. Races Start Tomorrow; Few Run for Posts

Despite Deadline Extension, Only 100 Vie for Seats

Students will begin voting for their Undergraduate Council representatives in dining halls tomorrow, but most will have few if any choices when they head to the polls.

Despite a one-day extension of the filing deadline that allowed eight additional candidates to register, there are only about 100 contenders for 88 spots on the council.

Applications are down 25 percent from last year, in part because only 25 members of last year's council are running for re-election, according to Election Commission Co-chair John Mann '94.

"A lot of representatives were disaffected last spring," Mann said. Many council members believed they were overworked and underappreciated, according to Mann.

"Most of us were working hard on well-attended, quality events and not getting any credit for it because of the scandal [surrounding a referendum on last year's term-bill hike]," Mann added.


Not all former council members have given up completely, however.

Richard Cole '95 resigned during last spring's turmoil. But now he is running for a fourth term in the hope that the council can move beyond its recent past.

"A lot of people were really hurt emotionally last year and friendships were broken because of all the mudslinging," Cole said.

During the one-day extension, members of the election commission recruited candidates in houses where open spots outnumbered those seeking office.

Winthrop, Mather, Quincy and Dunster Houses still have empty slots on their ballots, while Eliot and Kirkland Houses have only enough candidates to fill their available seats.

"The extension wasn't as fruitful as we hoped, but it got eight more candidates and filled out a couple of races," Mann said.

Although recent scandals may have affected students' image of the council, most houses with open or uncontested seats have seen low candidate turnout before.

Others fared better. Cabot House, where ten contenders emerged for five positions, has traditionally seen active council races, Mann said.

On the other hand, Dunster, one of the four houses lacking enough candidates, has rarely fielded many competitors.

"Historically, it's been the character of the house," he said.

Houses such as Dunster will complete their roster of representatives with write-in candidates, Mann said.
