
In Reversal, U.C. Says Undergrads Can Withhold Fee

Resolution on Term Bill Check-Off Passes

Also at Coffey and Bonfili's urging, members approved a constitutional amendment that will earmark at least 60 percent of a minimum council budget for student group grants.

But another resolution offered by the reformers lost. It would have reduced the vote required to put new business on the council docket from 2/3 to a simple majority.

The resolution, which would have come in the form of an amendment to the council by-laws, missed its mark--support by 2/3 of the council--by three votes.

Despite publicizing it last week, MRUC leaders failed to get one of their most potentially controversial resolutions on last night's docket: mandating council elections every semester rather than just once a year.

But MRUC's Bonfili said after the meeting last night that he expects the reforms that failed to be back.


"Obviously, I'm not entirely pleased with the result of tonight's vote. These issues, however, are not dead," Bonfili said. "I'm confident that these issues will return to the council floor and pass. Absolutely a clear majority of the council supports these reforms."

Council president David L. Hanselman '94-'95, who is a declared supporter of the MRUC, and last night that while he was disappointed some resolution didn't pass, the council took a step towards restoring its credibility among students with the stands it did take.

But Hanselman said he plans to move the council away from constitutional reform in coming weeks. Instead, he wants to focus more on serving students.

"We need to get back to our real purpose now and leave internal reform alone," Hanselman said.

The council last night also approved a budget plan for this academic year. The budget, sponsored by Hanselman and Kim, outlines the allocation of $135,474 in council funds.

Of that money, $76,642 will be set aside for grants to student organizations, $46,832 will fill the coffers of council committees and $12,000 will cover the council's operating costs.

The money for council committees will be used to fund projects like comedy concerts, a tailgate party for this year's Yale game, Yardfest and the Freshman Formal.

The only change to proposal budget figures came from a motion by Coffey to strike $400 the council had set aside for internal social events.

"If we want to buy ourselves kegs and party we should just collect $5 from everyone and not use students' money," he said.

The budget resolution was approved by acclamation after a contentious debate on parliamentary procedure.

In other business, Hanselman appointed Elizabeth Haynes '98 as parliamentarian and Gregory Corbett '96 as press liaison. Both Haynes and Corbett are new to the council.

Hanselman also suggested appointing a first-year representative to the council's executive board. That resolution will be considered by the council next Sunday
