
House Bid To Rebuff Eliot Chair Voted Down

"She also donated committee alcohol to a semi-private party without consent," he added. "This vote is not a reference on Allison as a person but on her track record."

Those who stood against the no confidence vote accused its backers of political infighting.

"This is ridiculous," said house resident Ricardo J. Suarez '95. "This is just a petty political witch-hunt that's given the committee a bad name. I don't think we would all agree that all of our problems are attributable to Allison."

Waanders defended his motion.

"A lot of people say 'Stop petty political infighting," he said. "I did this because there are several things that have gone wrong. I don't think she did this maliciously, but she did it."


At the close of the debate, Rossi was given the chance to defend herself.

"Ordering 600 T-shirts was stupid," she said. "I got a lot of pressure from seniors last spring to order more than last year."

"I didn't write the check," she added. "I was not the only one involved, and I'm not pointing fingers. I have actually saved the house money in the past.
