
16.2-Inch Snowfall Stalls City, Airport

Reggae singer Luko Adjaffi said snowyconditions forced him to move his performance fromoutside Out of Town News to inside the Harvard Tstation.

"There's too much snow up there, and the moneyis slowing down too," Adjaffi said. "I think thegloves make it hard for people to reach into theirpockets and give."

Harvard students did not despair at the twofeet of snow that has covered the ground. Manytook the opportunity to do a little sledding onthe steps of Widener Library.

Scott L. Scuchart '97 spent Saturday afternoonand evening sliding the steps and offered helpfuladvice.

"The Union trays are much more dynamic than therectangular ones," he said. "The narrow part isshaped perfectly for your tuchas [rear end] andwider part is a convenient place to put yourhands."


By Saturday evening, Shuchart said that thesnow on the steps had become so warn down byoverzealous sledders that the ride down had becomea little too bumpy.

For now, the Boston area will get a respitefrom the snow, according to the National WeatherService's Seeley.

Seeley said weather conditions will be clearuntil Tuesday night.

"Tomorrow looks nice--sunny, middle 20s,"Seeley said. "Tuesday there is a chance offlurries late.
