
Tutor Resigns Dunster Post

Volpp Will Leave to Protest `Threat'

Volpp and about four other tutors spoke toJewett two weeks ago after receiving the letter.

"Jewett was very reassuring," said SandeepBaliga, a former resident tutor in economics whoreceived a letter from the lawyer for the Librothers. "He didn't feel anything we had done orsaid was slanderous or libelous."

Volpp said Jewett "was concerned that we havegood legal advice."

Jewett refused to comment on the meeting.

But Volpp, who along with seven other tutorsmet with Jewett about Dunster matters twice lastyear, said she thought the administration couldhave done more to improve the situation atDunster. She would not elaborate.


Other tutors who received the letter alsoexpressed outrage this week.

"They have no case whatsoever," said CynthiaPalmer, a Dunster resident tutor in law whoresigned last year. "The standard they would haveto prove is incredibly high. The letter wascompletely counter-productive."

"I thought it was very funny," said Baliga, aformer resident tutor in economics. "Then it mademe angry. I felt as if I were being forced to shutup."

And one tutor who received the letter worriedthat the Li brothers had gone too far.

"I am concerned they are so paranoid and feelin such a corner that they are doing this," saidAustin Lin, a nonresident tutor in computerscience who resigned last May. "I find thatdisturbing."

Many of the tutors who have left the housesince last spring said they made the rightdecision.

"I'm extremely glad to get out of DunsterHouse," said Baliga, who is returning to Englandto teach at Cambridge University. "It's a terribleplace to live from the point of a tutor."

Some also questioned the credentials of Brown,the lawyer for the Li brothers. Brown, whoreceived his law degree from Boston University in1989, is registered to practice law only in NewYork. Brown said in a 1991 reunion brochure thathe was specializing in international law.

Some tutors also said they thought Brown andthe Li brothers were friends from college. Allthree lived in Leverett House as undergraduates.

Volpp's resignation so early in the year willallow for the first test of Liem's new tutorhiring policy. According to the policy, anadvisory board of seven people will narrow downapplications for the position.
