Resident Hears Prowler
When Jones heard someone fumbling with herfront-door lock, she investigated, only to find anempty hallway and the plates around the lockpartially unscrewed, Jones said.
"I think the sound of my heavy clogs againstthe hard-wood floor must have scared him away,"Jones said.
Rooney said police took a set of fingerprintsfrom the building, but have been unable to matchthem to an identity.
Police say they have little information otherthan the description of the suspect. Rooney saidHarvard police have increased patrols of thePrescott Street area, especially during themid-afternoon hours, which the suspect appears tofavor.
Harvard police are encouraging Prescott Streetresidents and passersby to alert them to anysuspicious activity.
The case is being handled by Harvard's CriminalInvestigation Division, 495-1796