Nathans said Harvard had not notified parentsabout the asbestos because the building is "safe."
"We would not be using it otherwise," Nathanssaid. "Asbestos issues have been checked andaddressed responsibly and we are satisfied this isan appropriate building to be using."
Nathans acknowledged that the only informationsent to parents of first-years in 29 Garden St.about the presence of asbestos in the building wascontained in the last few paragraphs of a Crimsonarticle included in a sample issue of thenewspaper.
After reading that Crimson article, one fatherof a first-year student assigned to live in the 29Garden St. building said he called Associate Deanof Freshmen W. C. Burris Young '55 and severalother Harvard officials. He eventually obtained acopy of the report.
"There's asbestos in each of the rooms," saidthe parent, who spoke on condition of anonymity."The report says that the tile presents a minimaldanger. Minimal danger, to these kids. I mean, nodanger is acceptable."
The official who ordered the report, AssistantVice President of Residential Housing Susan K.Keller, and Harvard Real Estate president KristinS. Demong said Friday that the asbestos report waspart of a routine review being made before afull-scale renovation of the building begins nextsummer. After that renovation, 29 Garden St. willbecome affiliated housing and will no longer beused for first-years.
Both real estate officials emphasized that thebuilding's tenants are not in danger. They saidHarvard Real Estate had consulted with theEnvironmental Health and Safety office, whichconcurred with that ruling.
"It is absolutely not something that I, as aproperty manager, am worried about," Demong said."Floor tile is not a problem in itself."
In addition, a recent test of the air in 29Garden St. for the presence of asbestos found thelevel of asbestos to be below the state-mandatedlimit, Keller said.
Demong said Harvard Real Estate wouldeventually notify first-years of the presence ofasbestos. She said she wanted to "avoid beingalarmist," because, in her opinion, the level ofasbestos does not constitute a health threat.
"We have every intention of notifying thetenants," Demong said. She declined to give aspecific date that Harvard would make suchnotification.
Nathans referred specific questions about thereport to University Attorney Robert B. Donin.Donin said there is no danger to students livingin the building. But as recommended in theasbestos inspection report, Harvard will undertakean "Operations and Maintenance Program" to monitorthe asbestos-containing material in the building.
"There will be periodic inspections, advice toresidents, and periodic sampling," Donin said.
Donin would not elaborate on what advice mightbe given to students living in the apartments. Hesaid no asbestos removal will take place this yearwhile students are in the building.
First-year students and their parents arrivedat 29 Garden St. to move in Saturday, and manysaid they were concerned upon learning thatasbestos is located throughout the building.
Joelyn Yoder, mother of Emmerich Yoder '97, a29 Garden St. first-year, said she planned to askHarvard for more information about asbestos in thebuilding after being shown the report.
"I think they should let people know aboutthis," Yoder said. "I'd like to know. What do theymean by 'Minimal' is a very subjective term."
Yoder then turned quickly to her son: "Don'tunpack your bags yet.