
News Director Out After Inquiry

Sexual Harassment Alleged by Workers

Corlette said Costa's departure was the resultof a "mutual decision" she reached with Costa inmid-July, following several private discussions atwhich the two discussed "management issues"regarding the news office.

But Corlette, who said she considers herself afriend of Costa's, would not comment on whyCosta's resignation was so sudden or on whethershe would have been comfortable with him remainingon until a new vice president is appointed.

New described Costa as "a real force" in thenews office and said office staffers felt "a loss"at his departure. "I would say he was an excellentnews director," New said. "But these are clearlymy opinions, not the opinions of the University."

News of Costa's move was not publicized by theUniversity, and was first reported last month inthe Boston Globe, which did not mention the sexualharassment charges. Costa's move was not announcedin a press release, nor was it disclosed in theHarvard University Gazette, the University'spublic relations organ, which Costa edited.

Costa, who was listed in the Gazette's staffbox as executive editor in the newspaper's July 23issue, was simply not listed in its next issue,dated August 3.


In an internal memorandum dated July 30 anddistributed to the University's academic council,public information officers and securitypersonnel, Corlette announced that Costa wasstepping down the next day, a Saturday.

The memo said he was leaving to "seek newprofessional challenges," and went on to describehis new role at Harvard Magazine. It said Costawill not be permanently replaced until theUniversity names a new vice president forgovernment, community and public affairs.

The memo was not made public until last week,when it was released to The Crimson upon request.

In an interview late last week, Corlette saidCosta's resignation was not announced in theGazette because "they weren't publishing then."

Asked why the Gazetted failed to report news ofCosta's departure in issues published July 23 andAugust 6, Corlette responded, "We just didn't getit in there."

New said the lack of an official announcementregarding Costa was because "we sort of don't liketo blow our own horn."Crimson File PhotoPETER COSTA

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