9. Hat: There's something paradoxical about hats, which we are told to wear when it is very cold and when it is very cold and when it is very hot. A proper summer hat keeps the sun off your head, face and neck.
Advantages: Portability, fashion capabilities.
Disadvantages: Some people just don't look good in hats. And they don't work very well indoors.
Variations: Red Sox hats are a Boston favorite. Straw pith helmets, boaters or cowboy hats are cool, as are hats with solar-powered fans built in. Terry-cloth hats can be soaked in cold water, then placed for an evaporative cooling effect.
10. Sunglasses: Sunglasses don't actually change the temperature of the air around you, and metal frames can actually get pretty hot. But sunglasses will keep the rays out of your eyes, and they just may contribute to making you look cooler.
Advantages: Save your eyes from damaging rays.
Disadvantages: Can be uncomfortable on your face.
Variations: Ray Ban and Vuarnet are the coolest.
11. Travel: This can get expensive. But if you're really fed up, Omni Travel in Harvard Square can set you up with a round trip ticket to Alaska. Leave today to fly to Anchorage and return Monday, you'll pay $1,106 each way. It's cheaper if you reserve in advance.
Advantages: It's cooler there.
Disadvantages: It's long airplane ride each way.
Variations: You could also take a cruise to Antarctica.
12. Science Center fountain: At Harvard, instead of cracking open fire hydrants, intellectuals frolic in a fountain designed to demonstrate Brownian motion and the refraction of light. Still, water is wet, no matter how you dunk yourself in it.
Advantages: Convenient location.
Disadvantages: You can't swim. There are huge rocks everywhere. You're sharing the area with dogs and diapered children.
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