
Report Discloses SATs, Admit Rate

Shows Breakdowns by Race, Ethnicity

Factors such as socio-economic background, ethnicity and geography are some of the factors that, in addition to SAT scores, influence a candidate's admission, Fitzsimmons said.

Fitzsimmouns attributed the gap in minority average SAT scores and white and Asian American scores to differences in socio-economic background.

According to studies conducted by the College Board, there is a strong correlation between SAT scores and ethnicity as well as between SAT scores and socio-economic background, he said. Fitzsimmons added that there is "a higher percentage of African Americans on financial aid than any other ethnic group."

"More often than for other groups, there are students from African American backgrounds who have overcome considerable obstacles in terms of making themselves the outstanding college candidates that they are-obstacles in terms of socio-economic background," Fitzsimmons said.

While he said ethnicity is "only one factor in deciding whether a candidate is admitted," Fitzsimmons also said certain minority groups, particularly Blacks are "highly sought after."


"Statistically, one could make the argument that it's easier for certain minorities [to be admitted]," he said.

"It's true that admission rates for Asian Americans and whites are lower than the admission rates for Hispanics and African American students and Native American students as well. But it's more complicated than that," Fitzsimmons said.

"The question we look at is how much more likely will white and Asian American students have access to the kind of preparation that will make one an outstanding college candidate here," he said.Crimson File photoDean of Admissions and Financial Aid WILLIAM R. FITZSIMMONS '67
