Generating Their Own Heat
North House recently received a $300 check from the Environmental Action Committee for winning the Green Cup for conservation, according to Dewey.
Chung hints at non-environmental motives behind North's success, however.
"We're good at energy conservation because we're into the body heat thing," Chung says.
"We have a lot of romances within the house. It's part of our inclusiveness," she says.
The social scene in North is helped by the physical layout of the house, residents say. The three main buildings--Holmes. Moors and Comstock--are connected by a breezeway so students don't have to go outside to visit friends.
Both Last and McEvoy say that North's hallway layout--as opposed to the entry-way layout--is highly conductive to meeting people.
"I've wasted a lot of time in the hallway when I should have been studying, but I've learned a lot from other people," Last says.
Foozball, Anyone?
Besides hanging out in the hall-ways, NoHosers also spend a lot of time at their grille and, of course, at the foozball table.
"Foozball, quite simply, epitomizes life," says foozball addict Marlin B. Smith '94.
Other house facilities include a weight room, the Quad Sound Studios, two computer rooms, a pool room, several communal kitchens and many practice rooms.
The house-wide facilities are complemented by pleasant individual accommodations, says McEvoy. North House has about 30 duplexes and a group of sought-after rooms in Wolbach Hall, a former apartment building, replete with living rooms and kitchens.
But one aspect of the layout of the house causes problems for students. About 50 residents live in Jordan J and K, former cooperative halls separated from the main building.
Jordan residents say they sometimes feel isolated from the rest of the house. "Last year, we were disappointed that we weren't actually in the House," Alex R. Carbo '94 says. "We couldn't go down to breakfast in our pajamas."
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