

"We're going to prove to ourselves how good a team we are," Meringoff said. "We're going to really come together as a team."

In California, the team will first face San Diego State and the University of San Diego in dual matches, then participate in the University of California-Irvine Tennis Classic.

"We'll put our record on the line and go after some tough nationally ranked teams," Fish said.

Besides facing harsh external challenges, the Crimson will be aiming to meet internal challenges as well.

The team has established a goal of "90 percent commitment"--that is, each player is aiming to attend 90 percent of the team's meetings, workouts, and practices, according to Russell. (So far, the team's commitment rate stands at about 85 percent.)


Reaching the ultimate goal will require a great amount of dedication, according to Russell.

"We're asking a lot from this group," Russell said. "If one guy can't make practice, they ask someone else to take their place so we can keep the [commitment level] at 90 percent," Russell said.

Such a high dedication level could result in some remarkable results for the Crimson. Because (though the Romans would disagree) team members believe that all roads lead to Athens--Athens, Georgia, that is, the site of this year's NCAA championships.
