
Cabot House Belies Rumors

TOURING THE HOUSES First in a continuing series on House life

"The Wall," a written forum for student opinions, was put up this past October in the basement of Cabot House in response to student apprehension during the aftermath of the L.A. riots.

Many students say that just living in the Quad creates a bond between the residents of Currier, North and Cabot.

"There is some truth to the idea of the Quad culture. It's the case of classic martyrdom," Koppell says. "We've all been oppressed by being exiled to the Quad, so we bond. We are bumming that we're here, but we make the best of it."

Other students say the Quad's distance creates a relaxed atmosphere.

"The house is so removed from the hustle and bustle of the Square. It is comfortable and peaceful here," Robinson says.


But while the distance has its advantages, 'Quadlings' often dread the 15-minute trek from the Square.

"Most of the time I like the feeling of separateness here," Guiney says. "But sometimes it sucks. When it's two in the morning and I have to walk home in the rain, I hate the Quad.
