
New President Mitigates Tensions at Law Review

News Analysis

It is no secret that a lot of people at the Review are not satisfied with Gants' conclusions.

Nguyen says that moving beyond the internal divisions created by that issue is the most important challenge that the new team of officers faces.

The new president is in his thirties and is known to be cautious. He said he will emphasize "leadership, team-work and greater delegation."

This year, the editors voted to restrict the power of the president in appointing other officers, a power that many felt Schulman had abused.

And Nguyen plans further measures to heal the Review, including organizing face, gender and sexual orientation sensitivity workshops, and appointing an ombudsperson to mediate internal conflicts.


The election process this year, while long and even bloody, appears to have given the Law Review a chance to move forward.CrimsonEric P. WilfredVAN NGUYEN
