
Council Approves Concert

$14,150 Budget Narrowly Passes

The resolution was sponsored by campus lifecommittee member John A. Mann '92-94, who saidthat concert publicity and ticket sales willcommence this week.

In other business, the council unanimouslyvoted to purchase a fax machine for its office andto institutionalize its support for Safety Walk,which is "in direct danger of dissolution,"according to council member Hassen A. Sayeed '96.

Council members also voted to eradicateabsences from the attendance record garnered bystudents who missed last week's meeting.

Because of inclement weather many councilmembers were unable to make the meeting, beingstuck in airports or train stations when pouringrain delayed their returns to Cambridge.

Council member Anjalee C. Davis '95 added thatThanksgiving recess was not officially over at thetime the meeting was held last Sunday night, henceGabay's call for a meeting was invalid accordingto the council constitution.


"I want to see and end to this patern ofsuspending our by-laws whenever it's convenientfor us and decide that last week's absencesshouldn't count for the right reason--that themeeting itself shouldn't count," Davis said
