Parsons invited council members to visit hisUniversity Hall office with any inquiries orinput. "I really hope to have a lot of studentinvolvement on this," he said. "That'scritical--that's the only way this project isgoing to be successful."
Council Vice President Melissa Garza '94announced her interpretation of last week's summitwith members of the administration, including Deanof the College I. Fred Jewett '57.
Council members proposed alterations to theacademic calendar which would set first semesterfinal exams before winter break and alignHarvard's academic schedule with those of mostcolleges throughout the country.
"Dean Jewett was receptive to our concernsabout calendar reform, but there area lot ofchannels we will have to go through before we caneffect change'" Garza said, "The administratorswere amenable to almost everything we suggested,though."
Mann said he was in the process of finding anew music group "that would both be a decent drawand would come here for a price we could afford."
Mann is searching for a group to replace BlindMelon, which rejected the council's bid for aFebruary 17 concert last week.
Mann added that he hoped to schedule the newconcert for sometime this April. "My strategy nowis to start focusing on smaller bands that arejust about to go national," he said.
The council will reconvene on January 9 for itslast meeting of the semester. This will be one ofthe "rotational meetings" council President CareyW. Gabay '94 promised during his presidentialcampaign last October. The meeting will be held inthe Mather House dining hall at 8 p.m