Members of the steering committee saidcommittees have made similar departures from theconstitution in past years without incident.
"We followed custom," said Cho, who currentlyserves as the AAA's secretary. "The problem withour constitution is that it is sorely out ofdate."
Cho said the constitution already underwentsome revision earlier this year, but since AAAmembers did not anticipate any need for revisionof the electoral procedure, no change was made.
"It's just never been a problem in past years,"Cho said. "That's why we haven't beenhyper-formal."
Joan Cheng said the association will set newrules for electoral procedure in a January beforethe mid-February re-vote.
Despite the scheduled reelection, many memberssaid they are concerned about AAA's reputation asa result of the initial misconduct.
"I think this whole incident has been verynegative for AAA," Lee said.
"I feel that it'll bring the same condemnationon AAA that the U.C. has received in the past,"Cho said. "People won't trust us."
Cho said the new presidents will have to workto "restore AAA's credibility on campus."
"A lot of the steering committee who are notrunning for positions were very hurt anddisappointed that so many people accused thesteering committee of AAA of doing somethingunfair," Joan Cheng said