

When the Thought Really Counts

It's not that the bracelets aren't nice, it's just that they say nothing about who the recipient is, or how the giver feels. The present is inarticulate.

A friend of mine says the worst present she ever got was a paper mache watermelon. She likes neither watermelons nor paper mache. Worst of all, it didn't even reflect genuine effort on the part of the giver. The watermelon had been bought from a store, not an art class.

Every single person likes to feel unique. People like to get gifts that show how well you know them, instead of things that are just nice.

When the gift reflects us, we feel special. When it does not, we feel disappointed or misunderstood.

A gift is really a way of communicating knowledge. A thoughtful present is a way of saying to someone you care about, "I know you." But a generic gift--even if it is a Corniche or a Faberge egg--says, "Aren't I great for getting you this?"


We all know, on some level, that the greatest gifts are ones that can't even be seen. Giving time, attention, or help are the most personal, timeless and treasured gifts.

You can give a friend a series of backrubs, or donate your time to work with him or her on a favorite cause. Arrange an entire day--or night--for a friend. These gifts are free, but priceless.
