According to the Handbook for Students,Harvard permits co-ed rooming groups only when"the configuration of space ensures a degree ofprivacy," and then only at the discretion of themaster. Suites which have met these guidelines todate have had single bedrooms with separate doorlocks or more than one bathroom.
The occupants of the suites in question arewilling to pay for locks for the bedrooms if houseofficials allow it, according to one resident whowished to remain anonymous.
An official at the Adams House superintendent'soffice said rooms may be re-keyed. "I would assumeif someone had a problem with a lock, it wouldn'tbe difficult to have it changed," he said.
Prokopow, who wouldn't comment on this option,said that to his knowledge, "In Adams House thereare no co-ed situations that have the approval ofthe University administration."
But Colleen M. Ryan '94-'95 said houseofficials have sanctioned her co-ed suite, AdamsC-47.
"I'm not sure about the master, but the housingtutor approves because we have two bathrooms,"Ryan said. "I assume they know about us because wesigned up as one group together."
Jewett said if University guidelines arefollowed, co-ed rooming can be successful.
"There were circumstances where it could besuccessful," Jewett said. "I feel confident inleaving it with the discretion of the masters.