Shella T. Russell
Michael A. Sullivan
Timothy J. Toomey
Katherine Triantafillou
William H. Walsh Traditionally, people who list a CCA-endorsedcandidate as their first choice usually list otherprogressive candidates for their other choices.People who list an Independent as first choicetend to list a wider variety of candidates asalternate choices. Transfer votes from Independents helped someCCA-endorsed candidates more than others. Born said the transfer votes from Independentsallowed her to defeat the CCA-endorsed Edward N.Cyr, the only incumbent who lost. "In the end what really put me ahead of Cyr wastransfers from Michael A. Baldasaro and Anthony D.Galluccio," she said. Dowds said he is "enthusiastic" about the fiveCCA-endorsed candidates who were elected to thecouncil, even though the group does not includeCyr. Cyr could not be reached for comment. "Sometimes government is benefited by rotationof officials," Dowds said. "It might not serve thepurposes of democracy to have the same group ofpeople as officials forever." But it is not clear whether the principle ofrotation will determine who will be the nextmayor. The council will elect the new mayor when itassumes office on January 3. Because the political group with the majorityon the council usually acts in consensus to choosea new mayor from among its incumbents, eitherDuehay, Reeves, or Myers will likely win the job