
Council Prohibits Absentee Ballots

Council President Carey W. Gabay '94 praisedthe finance committee's efficiency in interviewingstudent groups which applied for council grantslast month.

By next Sunday, close to 105 grant interviewswill have been conducted, with the first grantsbeing allocated next week, Gabay said.

Gabay also criticized a recent Crimsoneditorial which called for the dissolution of thecouncil.

"For one thing, [editorial writer] Brad EdwardWhite's facts were wrong," said Gabay, who citedthe percentages of students voting and running forcouncil as being erroneously represented.

"The Crimson said that the [council] didnothing to deal with the vice presidentialdispute," Gabay said. "We spent long hours meetingwith Dean Epps, parliamentarians, everyoneinvolved. We discussed the situation and came to adecision--is that doing nothing?"


Gabay advised the council members present to"keep up the good job--and don't let bad press getyou down--we have a lot of work to do.
