In addition, the policy states that thecenter's restrooms are available to all people,although "sleeping, shaving, bathing and changingclothes" are prohibited.
"I think our bathrooms are working reallywell," said Beth A. Wald, assistant vice presidentfor human resources and communications at HarvardReal Estate. "I think people feel they're beingtreated fairly."
The guidelines also state that sleeping isprohibited at the "public benches, tables andchairs."
If patrons behave inappropriately, including"being physically or verbally abusive, usingprofanity in a way that disturbs the public,acting or being inebriated and panhandling," theHolyoke management will exclude them from thecenter.
Spare Change was involved in the policydevelopment because "we are the primary`spokespeople' for the homeless in Boston andCambridge, and we are the only group thatpractices empowerment," Main said.
In addition, Main said homeless people who sellSpare Change sometimes need to sit down nearHolyoke Center or use the restroom there