
At Harvard Daily Entertainment & Events

18 November Thursday


Harvard Film Archive. Carpenter Center $5 for students. "Manufacturing Con- sent" at 2 and 7 p.m. See Thursday's listingfor more information.


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ThroughNov. 28. By Edward Albee. See Thursday's listingfor more information. Hasty Pudding Theatre, 5 and9 p.m. $19-$32. Call 496-8400 for tickets and moreinformation.

Merlyn. See Thursday's listing for moreinformation. Loeb Mainstage, 8 p.m. $5 forstudents.


The Mystery of Edwin Drood. SeeThursday's listing for more information. AgassizTheatre, 2 and 8 p.m. $3/$5/$7 for students.

Rope. See Friday's listing for moreinformation. Dunster JCR, 8 p.m. $3 for students.

Teen Lust and Stopped Clocks. SeeThursday's listing for more information. Loeb EX,7:30 p.m. Free.21 November Sunday


University Art Museums. ContraltoDorothea Brinkmann and pianist Luise Bosgerchianperform works by Hindemith, Wolpe, Wedekind, andGershwin in connection with the exhibition, "TheSketchbooks of George Grosz." Fogg Art Museum,5:30 p.m. $4 for students; $3 for Friends of theUniversity Art Museums.

Boston Chamber Music Society. Performworks by Shostakovich, Brahms, Beethoven. SandersTheatre, 8 p.m.

Cabaret. Andy Baer Quartet. Upstairs atthe Pudding, 10 Holyoke St., Cambridge. 8 p.m.$10. Call 864-1933 for information andreservations.


Harvard-Epworth Film Series. Josef vonSternberg's "An American Tragedy." Harvard-EpworthUnited Methodist Church, 1555 Mass Ave. $3.

Harvard Film Archive. Carpenter Center.$5 for students. "Manufacturing Consent" at7 p.m. In an energetic fusion of images and ideas,this film explores the political life and times ofthe controversial author, linguist and radicalphilosopher Noam Chomsky. The film focuses ondemocratic societies where populations aresubjected to more subtle forms of ideologicalcontrol. Women Talking. Film created byMidge Mackenzie featuring conversations withleading personalities in the forefront of theWomen's Liberation Movement. Carpenter Center,2:30 p.m. Free.

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