Amy Reinhard, an athletic 5'7" sophomore guardwho also stars for the softball team, isconsidered the squad's defensive energizer andwill see a lot more time this season. Sophomoreforward Katy Davis displayed a nice touch aroundthe basket before a shoulder injury forced her tomiss the last 10 games of the season.
Deirdre McNamer, a 5'11" junior forward, addstough interior rebounding and defense and 6'0"sophomore Elizabeth Gettelman, who can play bothinside and outside, rounds out the Crimson'sreturners.
Fine Freshmen
Harvard freshman recruits, perhaps its finestever, however, have been bogged down by preseasoninjuries so far. Six-foot forward Kelly Black hasbeen described by Delaney Smith as "an impactplayer who can do it all," but Black is out tillat least January with a stress fracture.
Cara James, an athletic 5'7" guard fromClifton, Va. with a polished perimeter game, willprobably miss the whole year with a knee injuryshe sustained while playing varsity soccer.
Two rookies have managed to remain healthy,however. Allyson Keith, a 6'3" center from Sequim,Wash., could immediately contribute inside, andhigh school-all star Jessica Gelman, a 5'8" guardhailing from Westport, Conn., should back upProudfit at the point.
"[Gelman] would probably start for a lot ofschools," Delaney Smith says.
Delaney Smith has declined to name her startingline-up (although Butler, Frey, Proudfit andCrisera seem locks), and says she will count onthe team's depth in every contest. "I might go 10deep," Delaney Smith says.
One of the Crimson's soft spots looks to be itslack of height, but Delaney Smith says thatpotential problems does not worry her.
Not Afraid of Lack of Height
"I'm not afraid of our lack of height. Bodysize and strength are just as important," DelaneySmith says. "[Butler] doubled her strength overthe summer, Liz Gettelman is a lot stronger,Allyson Keith is coming up.
"Besides, our running game will diminish theimportance of height. Our forwards are lightningfast, and we should beat people up and down thecourt."
Delaney Smith also says the team will implementa new defensive style.
"This year, we'll be an entirely differentdefensive team. We have the personnel to play ahard, effective, man [to man defense]," DelaneySmith says