The interview ended after five minutes, and Ryan returned to life as a police officer.
Ryan reportedly expressed displeasure about being ambushed, and he seemed pretty nervous for most of the night. When his police car had to respond to a call, Ryan looked worried and fastened his seat belt.
One senior police official had this advice for Ryan: "He should stick to being a lawyer. Let us handle the streets."
Rudenstine: FOB?
It seems there really is a Harvard Mystique, and even the Harvard president subscribes.
Witness the joke told by President Neil L. Rudenstine in this week's Faculty meeting as he spoke about the University's relationship with ROTC.
"We're not trying to tell the [Clinton] administration what to do," Rudenstine said, "in this case."
The fraction of the Faculty in attendance--not normally noted for its collected quick wit--paused. Then everyone laughed.