These four areas are largely undeveloped compared to the remainder of Alewife and the plan discusses development framework, access, uses and linkages for each.
The plan also describes the implementation and funding of the proposals.
Zoning Proposed
The master plan also encourages the use of zoning to direct change in Alewife. Zoning could be used to increase the amount of open space by mandating a certain percentage of open space on a developed lot.
Zoning could also encourage a better mix of uses for areas by prohibiting undesirable uses and allowing desired uses. It could also improve the level of environmental quality by requiring conformity to a particular urban design scheme, setting controls on parking facilities and mandating greater public review of site development.
While the current plan has been more than two years in the making, it may undergo still more revision before it is finally adopted by the City Council.
Concerns Raised
"There were concerns [at yesterday's meeting] over the impact of the existing parking freeze and over future development plans," said Ginsberg.
Various members of the Alewife Steering Committee, which assisted the Community Development Department in formulating the plan, raised other concerns.
"We can't see now any reasonable location for housing in Alewife," said Wilson. He explained that "neither the city nor [the committee] see that housing would fit in the area as now being planned."
"My concern is that the Highlands neighborhood could be accessed by the industrial area known as the Quadrangle, and there is no design buffer zone between the neighborhood and the industrial area," said committee member George Spartichino.
Spartichino added that he is also concerned about traffic, and the open space bonus, which allows a firm to "develop more density on their property or receive more floor area" if they help develop the open space.
"The community also expected more housing to be incorporated into the plan," Spartichino added.
Jack I. Joseph, another member of the steering committee, said, "I would like to reinforce the city's commitment to connections across the railroad tracks so that there may be a vitality and interconnection between the two major sections called the Quadrangle and the Triangle sections."
Joseph also said that he thinks the plan "needs more of a spark of creativity and needs greater support by other agencies of the city government."
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