
Will Fly Make Itself Official?

After Vote, Club Could be Recognized--If Members Want

All new members must sign a no-drinkingagreement, minors get their hands stamped andpolice officers are present at all parties. Butanyone who wants a drink simply orders one at thebar--regardless of his or her age, according tothe member.

"I've never seen anyone be denied a drinkthere," she said.

Hasty Pudding president Zara Aga Khan '94 saidthe club has professional bouncers who check theidentification of all who enter the building andthat the club follows the University's alcoholpolicy, which prohibits serving alcohol to minors.

She said members do not mind adhering to theserules because they want the club to be recognizedby, and to remain a part of, the College.

Epps said he would support Universityrecognition of the Fly Club and any other finalclubs that go coed, because he feels that manycurrent club members are only on the "periphery"of college life.


Since they belong to independent final clubs,he said, many members are not involved enough incollege life. Fly Club President Scott Logan '94said his club has no current plans to apply forrecognition.

But Epps said the clubs would reap manybenefits if they were recognized by theUniversity. These include access to alumnirecords, University facilities and the Universityheating system in addition to better integrationinto college life.

Stephen A. Engel, Sandhya R. Rao, Jessica C.Schell and Robin J. Stamm contributed to thereporting of this story.
