The motion to divide the funds The motion required the suspension of budgetroll-over by-laws, which would have required thefunds to be deposited into the campus lifecommittee's account. First-term member Anjalee C. Davis '94presented a counter motion which would haveresulted in house committees receiving the surplusfunds. In a heated debate which resulted in a motionfor the appointment of a sergeant-at-arms by RuddW. Coffey '97, Davis and Gabay faced off overconstitutional details. Council Secretary Cynthia A. Johnson '96, whowas chairing the floor debate at the time, deniedDavis's request for a point of personal privilege. When challenged, Johnson replied, "twoparliamentary wrongs don't make a right,"prompting Coffey to chastise "the chaos in thisroom." The division of the leftover funds leaves thefinance committee with close to $105,000, whichwill be divided among the 120 student groups whofiled grant applications last week. Finance committee members will begin interviewstoday for grant settlements. The final resolution on the docket precedingthe vice presidential challenge was the allocationof $7,070 by the campus life committee to providecoach bus service for students to and from theHarvard Yale football game in New Haven at a costof $15 per round trip ticket. The council expects to incur a loss of $1,500. Former Chair Michael P. Beys '94 praised theaction in closing floor debate on the motion "Weought to be spending money for the good ofstudents," he said. "It's a relatively smallinvestment which will make their livesbetter--sometimes the council should take a loss.