
Players, Coaches Wary of Increases

Athletic Dept. Dogged by Recent History

The department's biggest Title IX proponent,women's lacrosse Coach Carole Kleinfelder, hasbeen in New York since Monday and could not bereached yesterday.

The Funding

Perhaps the biggest surprise of the newinitiative is how the athletic department foundthe money to support the plan. While budgets aretight and belts are being tightened across theuniversity, Cleary has bucked the trend.

The athletic director said donations willcomprise the additional $250,000 in spending onwomen's sports. However, Cleary refused yesterdayto give details concerning the sources of thedonations, saying only that the donors were"generous people who loved Harvard athletics."

He also would not answer whether the money hadconstituted one-time gifts or whether it wouldbecome a continuous source of funding for women'ssports. But he guaranteed that the new-foundopportunities for women would not disappear.


"It will not disappear because that is my job,to not have anything disappear," Cleary said. "Ithink we can take some pride that we haven't lostany programs. Hey, maybe there will be a time whenI can't do this, but I'll keep trying. And I thinkI've done my job. Basically, we have an effectiveprogram."

The verdict of that last statement will betested in the weeks and months to come, and itwill rest in part on the expansion announcedThursday
