
Council Cited for Lack of Organization

Candidate Complains About Balloting Confusion in U.C. Election Process

But she said no one contacted her. "I didn't know what was going on."

Lo conceded that her lack of communication with many house committee chairs may have jeopardized chances for consistent balloting.

"I would guess that a lot of people would have a right to be upset, but with the amount of time we had there was nothing we could do," Lo said.

"I would guess that a lot of people would havea right to be upset, but with the amount of timewe had there was nothing we could do," Lo said.

House committee chairs were informed onlyTuesday morning that they would be expected tobegin tabling at dinner that night.

"I was frazzled and surprised when I foundout," Fitzgerald said, "especially because Ididn't even have the ballots yet."


Leverett House Committee Chair Melissa M. Kwee'94 said that she knew of only one meal last weekat which balloting did not take place because thehouse committee member who signed up to cover ithad a last minute commitment.

"But the election was so last minute and poorlyrun that things could have been worse in otherhouses," Kwee added.

Lo said the "time crunch" also hampered hereffort to compile candidates' position papers forposting or distribution. She said she onlyprepared the position papers of the first-yearstudents, "who were the ones who really neededextra attention so that people would know who theyare."

Neither of the house committee co-chairs atEliot, the source of the original complaint,returned phone calls last night
