
U. C. Official's Ballot Claim Challenged

Aronberg said he did not encounter any similardisputes during his term as chair, nor did he knowof any council precedents.

"But whether or nor absentee ballots areconstitutionally provided for doesn't affectwhether they're counted in a run-off election,"Aronberg said.

No objections were raised at the time of theballot counting, even though Zamacona was present.

"I'm not a council member and at the time Ididn't know whether that was council procedure soof course I didn't make a formal protest,"Zamacona explained.

Epps said he was trying to limit hisinvolvement in the matter, but as one of therecipients of Zamacona's letter he was obliged tolook into the conduct of the election.


"It would be damaging to the council if thedean of students were to step in and startdeciding things for them," Epps said. "But Istrongly advised them to seek professional advicein deciding for themselves."

Two issues which Epps urged council members toconsider were the reconciliation of theconstitution with the fact that the council didvote to accept the ballots in the first place, andthe fairness of counting the ballots when therewas no prior notice issued to members thatabsentee ballots would be accepted.

Gabay said he will distribute a fact sheet toeach council member by tomorrow, and the issuewill be taken up by the full council at Sunday'smeeting.

"I just want to get through this," Gabay said."Tomorrow I will be putting a compromise on thetable, either that we hold another run-offelection or that we have co-vice presidents."

"But I don't know if that will come through,"he added.

Reyes said that he too would like to see aquick resolution. He expressed concern that thelonger Garza acts as vice president, the lesswilling the council will be to displace her.

"I am the rightful victor, and if there is avictim here it's me," Reyes said. "I rightfullyearned the title of vice president, but I thinkother executives may be afraid of appearing likethere's already another U.C. scandal."

"If we're moving so slowly in an attempt toprotect the council's image, that's a sadreflection of the priorities of the members," headded.

Reyes also criticized Epps for hisencouragement of proceeding cautiously. "He hasnot facilitated the righting of this wrong," Reyescharged. "He just keeps telling us to wait, totalk with more people."

Garza declined to comment on the situation

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