Harvard-Epworth Film Series. Les Damesdu Bois de Boulogne. Harvard Epworth UnitedMethodist Church, 1555 Mass Ave., 8 p.m. $3.
Harvard Film Archive. Carpenter Center.$5 for students.
"1922" at 3 and 9:30 p.m. An imaginativeadaptation of the novel Number 31328 by EliasVenezis, depicting the tortuous and devastatingmarch of a group of captives through the desert ofAsia Minor, immediately after its disaster.Transcending the historical chronicling fo theevent, the film is a fascinating evocation ofextermination and hardship of hundreds ofthousands of Greeks who, following the destructionof Smirna, left the lonian shores they hadinhabited for centuries. The film won two topprizes at the Cape Town Film Festival.
"A Foolish Love" at 7 p.m. Secluded in hisdarkened room, a young man communicates with theworld around him exclusively by way of atelescope, gradually establishing an intimaterelationship with an unknown woman whose visit tothe secluded apartment upsets the previouslyestablished delicate balance between them. Thefilm explores the psychological aspect ofloneliness characteristic of the great city ofAthens.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ByEdward Albee. Presented by the Cambridge TheatreCompany, this dazzling comedy presents one of themost memorable of married couples in a searingnight of dangerous fun and games with their twoguests, Nick and Honey, who innocently becometheir foil. Hasty Pudding Theatre, 2 and 7 p.m.1 November Monday
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ByEdward Albee. Presented by the Cambridge TheatreCompany, this dazzling comedy presents one of themost memorable of married couples in a searingnight of dangerous fun and games with their twoguests, Nick and Honey, who innocently becometheir foil. Hasty Pudding Theatre, 8 p.m.2 November Tuesday
Nonviolent Resistance to White Supremacy: AComparison of the American Civil Rights Movementand the South African Defiance Campaign.George Fredrickson, Edgar E. Robinson Professor ofU.S. History, Stanford University, and fellow, DuBois Institute. Sever 103, 4:15 p.m.
Asian-American Women Writers Today. EvaShan Chou. Bunting Institute, 34 Concord Ave.,7:30 p.m.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ByEdward Albee. Presented by the Cambridge TheatreCompany, this dazzling comedy presents one of themost memorable of married couples in a searingnight of dangerous fun and games with their twoguests, Nick and Honey, who innocently becometheir foil. Hasty Pudding Theatre, 8 p.m.3 November Wednesday
Book signing
Susan Ware. Author of "Still Missing:Amelia Earhart and the Search for Modern Feminis."Ware is Professor of History, New York Universityand Schlesinger Library Visiting Scholar.Schlesinger Library, 5-7 p.m. Free.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? ByEdward Albee. Presented by the Cambridge TheatreCompany, this dazzling comedy presents one of themost memorable of married couples in a searingnight of dangerous fun and games with their twoguests, Nick and Honey, who innocently becometheir foil. Hasty Pudding Theatre, 8 p.m