
U.C. Names Lo to Oversee Gen. Election

Aragon said that he would have consideredrunning for a council seat if he had been awarethat the process was beginning. He said he learnedof the deadline and subsequent extension from hisconversation with The Crimson, and may now declarehis candidacy.

The lack of awareness about the councilelections extends beyond the Yard, despite anadvertisement in yesterday's Crimson andannouncements made by council Treasurer Carey W.Gabay '94 in the Quincy House dining hall.

Kirkland House resident Dominic J. Allocco '95said that he had heard nothing of this year'scouncil elections.

Mather House

And in Mather House, where Beys resides, Jim L.Tierney '96 also did not know of the elections. "Iabsolutely am not aware of any announcements aboutU.C.," he said.


No one answered the phone yesterday at thecouncil's office in Canaday B, which is doublingas election headquarters for candidacyapplications, and which in past years has beenstaffed with council members available to answerquestions.

Beys did not return phone calls made to hisroom yesterday
