

To the Fly, Our Deepest Sympathies


The photo wouldn't have come out anyway. You can't take a good picture in the dark without a flash. And a flash would have given the reporter and photographer away. The photographer begged to hold the story until he could snap a picture Thursday, when there would be a full moon.

The story ran this week, without a picture, and with almost no mention of the stakeout. The reporter and the photographer came to feel a little bit dirty about following people. We wonder if such feelings of guilt ever sweep over Bob Woodward.

Chances are you've never been to the basement of University Hall--why would you? Unless you've had to visit the office of Special Academic Programs or the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations, you have probably not entered the depths of one of Harvard's most veteran and hallowed edifices.

But there is a reason to stop by U Hall B1--a tempting reason. Cookies. Hordes of them. Chocolate chip, oatmeal, Oreo, gingerbread, lemon snaps, vanilla wafers, fig newtons, macaroons--you name it.

In the offices of Secretary to the Dean of the Faculty John B, Fox Jr. `59, there is, unfailingly, an open box of these delectable sweets. And each official is extremely generous to greedy undergraduates, craving more than mere dining halls can offer.


So now, unless you're lucky enough to write for one of the publications which religiously attends weekly Faculty Council briefings (The Crimson, perhaps) you need an excuse to visit the cookie-stacked office of U Hall basement.

Here's the trick--pick up a booklet on fellowship opportunities or the latest budget figures for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. And if you can't do that with a straight face, just show up, put your hands out, and say please.

Michael K. Mayo '94, Joe Mathews '95, and Alessandra M. Galloni `95 compiled this week's Dartboard.
