The Greenough laundry room, which was closedfor several days because of the flooding, reopenedlast week.
A Family of Insects
Six Greenough students living in a first-floorsuite had their smoke alarm triggered five timesthis week by a family of insects living in theirdetector.
"At least we know it's working, but if there'sa real fire, we won't believe it," Paul D. Hodgdon'97 said.
King said yesterday the smoke alarm intrudersare a "minor altercation," which has already beencorrected.
But the maintenance problems in Greenough seemto be relatively isolated incidents.
Students in the other recently renovated dormshave more positive comments about their livingconditions.
Other Dorms Are Fine
"I have no complaints...I think everyone aroundhere is really thrilled," Hurlbut Hall residentAndrew S. Jacobs '97 said.
And residents of Weld, Stoughton, Lionel,Matthews and Mower, which were also renovated inthe last six months, said they are pleased withthe new conditions.
"Anything that's been wrong has been fixedfairly quickly, "Matthews resident Emily J. Wood`97 said